Here’s one sent by James from Lakeside, CA – thanks again! So yuzu is a kind of Japanese citrus fruit. The idea here is that it would lightly flavor shio, which is a mellow salt ramen. Let’s find out!
Itsuki “Yuzusiho” Yuzu Flavor Mellow Salt Ramen – Japan
Detail of the packaging (click to enlarge). Looks to be meat free but check for yourself. To prepare, take one bundle noodles and boil in 500ml water for 2 1/2 minutes. Add in one sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!
A bundle of straight noodles.
One of two soup base sachets.
Finished (click to enlarge). Added egg, chashu,Salad Cosmo mung bean sprouts, sesame seed, spring onion, and shichimi togarashi. The noodle is very thin with a strong chew. Broth has a citrussy flavor alongside. It’s definitely mellow. 2.5 out of 5.0 stars. EAN bar code 4901726014912.
Itsuki – Kumamoto Mokkosu Ramen for 1 Servning
Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!
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