Today, we have one that was part of Japan Crate’s Umai Crate. So Japan Crate is a subscription service which has all sorts of different options for you. pretty neat stuff from Japan! There’s a coupon code for you too – just use THERAMENRATER to get a special discount at check out.
So here’s what the folks at Japan Crate had to say about this variety -“Yakisoba is a Japanese noodle stir-fry dish enjoyed all over Japan and is the perfect dish for the summer without a hot soup base. This type of yakisoba is flavored with a salt seasoning rather than the traditional soy sauce dressing.”
Let’s hit it!
Acecook Fujikko Shio Yakisoba – Japan
Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Unsure whether it contains meat – check for yourself. To prepare, add boiling water to line for 3 minutes. Drain. Add in sachet contents. Finally, stir and enjoy!
Detail of the lid (click to enlarge). Note the drain spout.
The noodle block.
A wet sachet.
Shio yakisoba sauce.
A dry garnish sachet.
Looks like sesame seeds, seaweed and possibly tempura bits.
Finished (click to enlarge). Added spring onion, Salad Cosmo mung bean sprouts, baked chicken (seasoned with black pepper, garlic powder, and Nutek Salt for Life). Noodles were pretty good – hydrated well and not at all spongy. The flavor was good – a little sweet and a nice shio hit. Sesame notes as well. Topping garnish (not pictured) featured sesame seeds and bits of tempura which had a satisfying crunch. 3.75 out of 5.0 stars. JAN bar code 4901071207540.
Acecook JANJAN yakisoba Kokusosu 104g ~ 12 pieces
Watch me cook on Instant Noodle Recipe Time!
The post #3242: Acecook Fujikko Shio Yakisoba – Japan appeared first on The Ramen Rater.