Here’s one I got at the Carrefour store in Taipei at the bottom of the Miramar Entertainment Park mall. It was on sale and definitely something I didn’t expect to see. There was a bunch of articles that came out about this variety a while back – it was popular many years ago and discontinued and then brought back to the delight of consumers. Noodles with a picture of a giraffe in a bow tie on the front? Yeah; this sounds neat. Let’s check out this revisited classic from Japan!
Ogasawara Kirin Giraffe Shio Ramen – Japan
The import/distribution sticker (click to enlarge).
Detail of the side panels (click to enlarge). Unsure as to meat contents. To prepare, add noodle block to 400ml boiling water for 2 minutes. Add in sachet contents. Stir and enjoy!
The large bag pictured above contains 6 of these individual servings.
The noodle block.
The soup base sachet.
The powder base.
Finished (click to enlarge). The noodles come out with a rather exceptional chew for an instant; perhaps it’s the two minute cook time, but they’re very good. The shio broth is just all around tasty. I like how sesame seeds were present – even though only one sachet. Clean and lovely. 5.0 out of 5.0 stars. JAN bar code 4982504863403.
A short video showing the product at a food expo from 2014.
The post #2323: Ogasawara Kirin Giraffe Shio Ramen appeared first on The Ramen Rater.